Certification Renewal Process for North Carolina School Counselors
The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) offers an automatic renewal process for Professional Educator’s Licenses (see NC’s certification renewal overview). Educators must receive an email notification when the renewal application is opened and log in at the NCDPI Online Licensure System.
A lifetime license is available for educators with thirty (30) or more years of creditable service with the Teachers’ and State Employees’ Retirement System.
Follow below to learn about the requirements and process for renewing a school counseling certificate.
Automatic Renewal Process:
- Notification: Educators will receive an email notification from the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) when the renewal application is opened in the system.
- Process: Educators should wait for the email notification stating that the renewal application has been opened, then proceed to log in at NCDPI Online Licensure System to complete the process.
- Fees: The renewal fee is $35, payable online during the renewal process.
Renewal Requirements:
- CEUs or Clock Hours: The renewal fee is $35 and requires eight (8) Continuing Education Units (CEUs) or eighty (80) clock hours of professional development (see NC’s Admin Code).
- Renewal Credit: Each unit of renewal credit (CEU) equals ten (10) clock hours of professional development.
- CEU Breakdown: Specific breakdown required:
- Three (3) CEUs or thirty (30) clock hours related to the School Counseling discipline.
- Two (2) CEUs or twenty (20) clock hours related to digital learning.
- Three (3) CEUs or thirty (30) clock hours related to general instruction.
- Expiration Date: All renewal credits must be earned by the expiration date of the license.
- Activities Accepted: Accepted activities for renewal credit include college or university courses, local in-service courses or workshops, and classes and workshops approved by the Local Education Agency (LEA).
Criteria for Renewal:
- Completion Deadline: Renewal must occur every five (5) years on or after April 15th of the year that a license expires.
- Documentation: Documentation such as official transcripts, professional development certificates, etc., must be submitted to the NCDPI Licensure Section as part of a complete application in the NCDPI Online Licensure System.
Lifetime License Option:
A lifetime license is issued to educators who have completed thirty (30) or more years of creditable service with the Teachers’ and State Employees Retirement System, or a combined total of thirty (30) or more years of employment as a licensed teacher, administrator, or student services personnel in North Carolina public schools.
For further information or assistance, educators can contact the NCDPI Licensure Office at (800)-577-7994 during normal business hours.
Remember to keep track of your renewal requirements and deadlines to ensure the timely renewal of your Professional Educator’s License in North Carolina.